What is GOALs?

Hello! And welcome to my website!

I’m Georgia, the creator of Georgia’s Online Academy of Language, or GOALs, which is my own online language teaching business!


I’m a native English speaker from Australia, currently residing in Italy. I have a degree in linguistics and Italian, and I’m also a qualified English second/foreign language teacher. I’m taking my teaching from the offline to the online world! I’m a passionate language learner myself, so I know how important it is to find good quality language learning resources online. I thought, why not add to that? After all, I love making my own teaching resources!


If you haven’t checked it out already, make sure you give my podcast a listen. It’s called Italian Lessons For Mum, and it’s where I teach beginner Italian lessons that get you speaking right from the get-go. As you can probably tell from the name, I developed this podcast with my mum in mind – as a way to teach her some useful beginner Italian for when she comes to visit me in Italy. It’s aimed at beginners though, so if you think it might be helpful, simply click here to start listening to the Italian Lessons For Mum Podcast!


I have so many more ideas in mind for new resources, so be sure to sign up to my email list to keep up to date with everything!


For now, I’ll leave you with this quote:


You live a new life for every language you speak.
— Czech Proverb

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The more languages I learn (or try to learn), the more I understand this to be true. Languages are beautiful 🙂


That’s all from me for the moment.


Ciao for now!

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